Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington’s participation
in USCCB Afghani Evacuation Effort
July 30, 2021
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington is
providing supportive services as part of a multi-stakeholder operation to help
evacuate Afghani nationals. These individuals supported American security
operations in Afghanistan, especially as interpreters. Their lives are at risk
as government forces lose control of districts throughout Afghanistan.
The Afghanis qualify for Special Immigrant Status and will
be arriving for final processing in Fort Lee, VA starting Friday, July 30.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington is one of three Virginia
Catholic Charities agencies providing services at the request of the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services
(USCCB-MRS), which has been involved as one of the NGOs (Non-Governmental
Organization) participating in the operation. About 20 Catholic Charities staff
will provide interpretation, assistance completing legal documents, and youth
programming during the operation. For more information about the operation,
contact the USCCB-MRS communications office.