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Together, Making a Difference

Office of Volunteers

Catholic Charities through the Office of Volunteers actively encourages meaningful volunteer participation within all programs and activities. The many talents, skills, knowledge, energy, creativity, and dedication of volunteers make it possible for Catholic Charities to offer enhanced services and extend its reach to those in need.

Our Mission

The Office of Volunteers is guided by the social doctrine of the Catholic Church: the human dignity that comes from being a child of God, service to the common good, with solidarity and subsidiarity for all. Together, we make a difference.

For every Catholic Charities staff member there are 23 volunteers; volunteers are the backbone and increase Catholic Charities' ability to bring the mercy of God to those in need. Catholic Charities is deeply grateful to all of our volunteers for their passionate and selfless service to our clients. Our volunteers have a lasting and permanent positive effect on the clients they serve, their families and the community as a whole.

Catholic Charities volunteer updates:

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How do I volunteer?

Please visit this page to access volunteer opportunities and instructions on how to apply.

What programs need volunteers?

How are volunteers placed in programs?

What if I don't know where I want to volunteer?