Our 6,000 sf warehouse in Manassas serves as a food donation site and distribution hub for the Diocese (PDF) equipped with refrigeration and freezer capabilities to safely store and distribute fresh produce, dairy, and meat.
Donations from individuals, groups, and parish drives are properly sorted and packed for distribution to approximately 94 pantry partners and distribution sites using a fleet of refrigerated trucks and vans. These donations allow us to support food insecure families inside the Arlington Diocese community.
What We Need
Non-expired and unopened food donations are appreciated and may be
placed in our blue donation bins located outside our office at 8426-28 Kao Circle,
Manassas, VA 20110-1728. Below is a list of needed items. If you require a receipt, please donate Monday-Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
- 1 Peanut butter/3 jam
and jelly* (Please no glass)
- Cooking oil, sugar,
flour, masa
- Spices (sale, pepper,
cumin, paprika, cinnamon)
- Canned meat or tuna*
- Rice and dried beans:
1-2 lb. bags
- Canned corn or green
- Canned fruit
- Diced tomatoes
- Cereal or oatmeal
- Canned pasta and pasta
sauce* (Please no glass)
- Shelf stable milk
- Condiments (ketchup,
mustard, mayonnaise)
*These items have the
greatest need
Our warehouse also
distributes personal hygiene and essential household items to pantry partners throughout
the Diocese and underprivileged families in Shenandoah County. Standard-size donations are needed of the below items:
- Shampoo
- Bar soap
- Deodorant
- Toothbrushes (adult
and youth)
- Laundry detergent
(30-50 oz. bottles)
- Liquid dish soap
Other Ways to Donate and Help
Conduct a food drive - Local parish and community food drives are our
primary source of large donations. All drives are customized to fit the host's requirements to support our mission. For more information, contact James by
emailing James.McCaskey@ccda.net or call 703-637-2547.
Large donations – To arrange a drop off time for large donations, contact James by
emailing James.McCaskey@ccda.net or call 703-637-2547.
Give virtually - Donate Food or Hygiene from our Amazon Wishlist.
 300 x 200.jpg)
Make a monetary donation - Mail a check payable
to CCDA with St. Lucy Food Project on the memo line to Catholic
Charities St. Lucy Food Project 8426-28 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110.
Volunteer - Individuals and groups are welcome to
volunteer their time and talent to sort food, pack boxes, deliver orders to our
distribution partners, and pickup donations. Please contact Maria by emailing Maria.Rodriguez@ccda.net or call 703-349-0974 for volunteer
opportunities and service project ideas.
For more information email us at
StLucy@ccda.net or
Thank you for your support!