Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Join Bishop Michael Burbidge, Diocese of Richmond Bishop Barry Knestout and concerned Virginians in the fight for life in Virginia by participating in one or more of the events below.
- 7 a.m. Mass,
Cathedral of Saint Thomas More, Arlington, with Most Reverend Michael Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington celebrating. Coffee and light Lenten refreshments in Burke Hall will follow immediately following Mass.
- 9 a.m. Mass,
Greater Richmond Convention Center, 403 N. Third St., Richmond, 23219, with Most Reverend Barry Knestout, Bishop of Richmond, celebrating. (This location has been changed from Saint Peter’s Catholic Church to the Convention Center due to increased attendance. The Convention Center is a
five block walk to the State Capitol where Rally and March will take place.) Mass will take place in Exhibit Hall A.
- 11 a.m. Rally, Virginia State Capitol, 1000 Bank St. Richmond, VA 23219
(In front of Capitol steps)
- Noon, March, Virginia State Capitol. Route to be announced. March begins at the Capitol steps.
Please bring your family and friends!
For more information, please visitÂ