Letter to the Faithful from Bishop Burbidge for World Day of the Poor 2018
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October 30, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our Holy Father Pope Francis has called us to observe the second World Day of the Poor on Sunday, November 18. He has asked us once again to focus our attention on those throughout the world and in our own Diocese who are suffering from material or spiritual poverty.
Throughout the Sacred Scriptures we are told of God’s special love for the poor: “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him” (Ps 34:6). There is poverty all around us. Jesus himself tells us in Matthew’s Gospel: “The poor you will always have with you” (Mt 26:11). But, do we recognize them?
Our Holy Father is calling us, as Jesus did, to hear and respond to the cry of the poor. How can we do this? One way is to participate in parish ministries that directly serve the poor. In addition, I invite you to join our Diocesan efforts, through Catholic Charities, to serve those who are hungry or homeless, the sick or elderly, and prisoners or newcomers to our country.
As we reach out to the poor in love, our actions reflect the source of all love, Jesus Christ. Led and guided by His Holy Spirit, may our works of charity bring us and all those we serve closer to God and one another.
Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge
Bishop of Arlington