As a birthmother, if you are considering adoption, it’s very likely you will have started with researching it on the internet. While there is a lot of helpful information available, be sure you are visiting trustworthy sites and review multiple sources. In addition to the father of
the child, you may decide to talk through your options and obtain information from trusted friends, family, or community members.
While you may be tempted to wait until later in the pregnancy to connect with a counselor or adoption provider, ideally, you should try to connect with someone around six months into the pregnancy, if not sooner. That way, you have time to obtain counseling and work through your options and make a plan.
When pursuing counseling services, it is very important to find a counselor who is:
- A professional counselor, not a volunteer organization
- Provides both pregnancy and adoption support (unbiased)
- Can continue to provide care and support regardless of the decision you make regarding your pregnancy
- If you are specifically interested in adoption, you will want to find a counselor who is experienced in working with birth parents in adoption and who can provide ongoing support after the adoption
Unfortunately, there is a great deal of unethical adoption providers and practices that can make navigating this journey even more difficult.
We recommend working with a provider who is:
- Licensed
- Local and can meet in person as well as by phone
- Has a good reputation and who practices ethically
- Provides unbiased care (no pressure)
When you work with us, you get all of the above.
As a licensed child placing agency by the Department of Social Services in the State of Virginia, we have been providing pregnancy and adoption services in Virginia since 1947. We are available 24/7 to assist you as you consider your options, obtain support and make a plan. We will meet you at times and locations that are easiest for you.
If you are pregnant and uncertain you are ready or willing to be a parent, or if you need help, please
call or text us anytime, 24/7 at (703) 973-0129 to speak with one of our certified counselors to learn more about the help that is available to you.
Learn more about the adoption process
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Certified support you can trust for a lifetime

Knee to Knee
The national standard for ethical post placement care for birth mothers.
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National Council for Adoption
Striving to meet the diverse needs of all those touched by adoption through global advocacy, education, research, legislative action, and collaboration.
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Licensed Child Placing Agency- Virginia Department of Social Services
Catholic Charities Pregnancy and Adoption Services is a licensed child placing agency by the Department of Social Services in the State of Virginia.
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